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July 1, 2024: Market days are a hallmark of human settlements.

Flashback: our opinion editorial for July, 2020.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reminds us of what can happen to downstream indigenous people.

June 17, 2024: Our revised photo-ethnographic essay about the indigenous Huaorani of Ecuador and Peru.

May 12, 2024: Our revised photo-ethnographic essay about the indigenous Cherokee of the United States.

Indigenous Peoples Documentary: The Last Kazakh Nomads of Mongolia

Among the last of the world's nomadic people, the Kazakh endure the harshest climate on Earth as they tenaciously preserve their culture. This documentary offers a fascinating glimpse inside that culture. Learn how a boy's coming-of-age is marked by his first haircut. Hear about Mongolia's first, legendary eagle huntress who is only now being honored. Spend a day with Kazakh eagle hunters. And witness how this ancient, rich lifestyle is slowly changing. Click or tap the image below to watch it on our YouTube channel in HD (1280x720p), High Dynamic Range at 24 fps. Notes for teachers are also available.

Documentary Short Films: Indigenous Culture and Knowledge

The rise and fall of the ancient Mayans.

Indigenous musicians and actors perform ancient rituals.

A horse is slaughtered for a Kazakh boy's coming-of-age (age restricted).

Travel Stories from Indigenous Communities

The tatooed faces of indigenous Chin women is a vanishing custom.

Indigenous knowledge is still the key to survival in northern Laos.

What does it mean to be indigenous in Argentina?

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